
Email marketing is a powerful tool that offers construction and property marketers a highly effective, direct and personalised route to their audiences. 

Experience and expertise

Fabrick’s email marketing and digital marketing teams have the experience and technical expertise to design, build, optimise and distribute targeted and automated emails that will help promote your business, its products, services and experience; generate sales leads, educate your audience and raise awareness of your brand.

Creating impact and results

Our extensive industry knowledge means we know and understand your audience, allowing us to then confidently produce emails that will capture their attention and provide you with the opportunity to engage and better understand their behaviour.  The headline will stop them in their tracks, the design will draw their attention and help navigate their way through the various aspects of the email, and the calls-to-action will drive the desired results. 

Reaching your audience

It’s crucial that any email you send hits the inbox it’s meant for and doesn’t end up in somebody’s spam folder. We utilise high quality lists, trusted service providers and our in-house email and digital teams ensure your message reaches the largest, but most targeted, audience possible.


To prove email marketing works, we can provide detailed statistics on how many emails were opened, how many ‘bounced’ or were undelivered, and which links, and how many, were clicked. We also undertake A/B testing which means we can test various elements of the email, such as the headline, to establish which option performed best.  From this information we can further develop your email strategy to deliver improved results with every email we send.

Contact Fabrick’s email marketing team now and discover the ROI you could achieve with this highly cost-effective and impactful digital marketing channel.

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Relevant experience

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